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If Boston College is your unequivocal first choice, 那么我们强烈建议你考虑通过提前决定申请. We expect that your academic credentials, extracurricular engagement, 和个人素质都符合太阳城网赌平台在校生的要求.
Both Early Decision options are 绑定. If admitted through Early Decision to Boston College, 你必须立即撤回其他机构的申请,并在太阳城网赌平台注册. 你需要在收到录取通知后的10天内向太阳城网赌平台提交太阳城网赌平台确认费.
提前决定I和提前决定II只在申请截止日期方面有所不同. 对于提前录取I,你必须在11月1日之前申请,并在12月15日之前得知我们的决定. 对于提前决定II,你必须在1月2日之前申请,并在2月15日之前得知我们的决定.
Due to the 绑定 nature of Early Decision, 你不能申请其他有约束力的提前决定项目. 您可以申请其他机构的非限制性早期行动计划.
As an Early Decision applicant, 除了提交通用申请和所需的证书, you must complete and submit the Common Application Early Decision Agreement form. 这将由你,你的父母/监护人和你的学校辅导员签署.
如果你在提交申请时没有第一选择的大学,或者你想在考虑了多个录取通知书和经济援助后再做决定, we encourage you to apply through Regular Decision.
Regular Decision is a non-绑定 太阳城网赌平台的录取程序和大多数申请人使用的选择. 如果您通过常规申请,您将在4月1日之前得知我们的决定. 您将在5月1日之前做出决定并确认您的注册.
希望被考虑全额学费的常规决定申请人, merit-based scholarship through the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program must submit an application by the priority scholarship deadline of November 1. No separate application is required. 入围者将在2月1日之前被告知他们的状态,并获得正式录取通知. 所有其他常规录取申请人将在4月1日之前收到录取决定.
If you submit your Regular Decision application early, but later decide that Boston College is your first-choice college, you may convert your application to Early Decision II. Please complete and sign the Common Application Early Decision Agreement form 并在1月8日之前通过电子邮件发送给本科招生办公室,提出这个要求.
是的. 提前决定申请人是为数不多的候选人中的一部分. Of the more than 36,太阳城网赌平台在2022-23年的录取周期中收到了1000份申请, approximately 4,400 students applied via Early Decision I or II. During the Early Decision rounds, 30% of applicants were admitted, compared with an overall admit rate of 15%.
Because Early Decision attracts a small, but competitive pool of candidates, the acceptance rate is higher than at Regular Decision. 提前决定可以让你证明你对太阳城网赌平台的承诺. 这也提高了我们招收对耶稣会感兴趣的学生的能力, Catholic approach to education, personal growth, and service of others.
Should you elect to apply Early Decision to Boston College, you may expect one of three outcomes: Admit, 推迟, or Deny. 没有通过提前决定录取的竞争激烈的候选人将被推迟到我们的常规决定轮中进行额外考虑. 在我们的常规决策过程中没有竞争力的候选人将被拒绝录取. 这使得他们可以把时间和精力集中在大学的其他选择上.
Boston College is need blind in the admission process and pledges to meet the full demonstrated need of every admitted student. 我们致力于招收具有广泛社会经济背景的学生. 我们为让太阳城网赌平台成为家庭负担得起的选择而感到自豪,但我们强烈建议您使用我们的 net price calculators to determine your likelihood of qualifying for financial aid, and what kind of package you might expect to receive if admitted.
If Boston College is unquestionably your first choice, 你有信心你的家庭有能力支付全部的学费,不管有没有经济援助, we urge you to use the Early Decision option.
如果你已经使用了我们的净价格计算器,并确定太阳城网赌平台在经济上是可行的, 我们的助学金很可能会满足你的期望. 只有在以下情况下,学生才能从他们的早期决定承诺中解脱出来, after a conversation with our financial aid office, financial factors preclude enrollment.
被提前录取的候选人将被充分考虑参加18个名额中的一个, full-tuition, merit-based scholarships through the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program. 然而,请注意,这些奖学金的竞争是激烈的. 家庭将依赖择优奖学金资助其大学经历的候选人不应申请提前决定.
的 Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program offers a four-year, full-tuition scholarship
Each year, 太阳城网赌平台通过奖学金项目向即将太阳城网赌平台的新生颁发18项学术优异奖学金 Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program. 提前决定和常规决定候选人都有资格获得总统奖学金,只要他们符合11月1日优先奖学金的截止日期. 该奖学金不需要额外的申请材料.
的 Presidential Scholarship is a four-year, full-tuition scholarship. If a student demonstrates need beyond tuition, as determined by Boston College's institutional analysis, this need would be met with additional scholarship funds.
Gabelli总统学者计划的入围者将在1月初被通知他们的状态. 这些学生将被邀请到太阳城网赌平台参加2月中旬的面试和评估,费用由我们承担. 的y will be notified of final decisions shortly thereafter.